The Holiday Spirit: Five Fantasy Holidays  

Posted by Spenser Isdahl in

It's the holiday season, and in that spirit, here are five fantasy holidays to throw at your PCs.

Eowald (The Glowing Dance)

  • Who celebrates?
  • When is it?
    One summer night every 24 years.
  • How is it celebrated?
    Once every 24 years, a planar alignment occurs over the elven capital that allows the sound of angels singing to be heard clearly for miles. On this night, the elves (and whoever else wishes to participate) extinguish all lights except for thousands of candles, and then dance in the streets. The elven nobles also customarily make large amounts of wine and mead freely available to the common folk. It is also customary for the elves to abstain from all violence on Eowald, as it is a time of peace and legend tells that, should an enemy of the elves attack on Eowald, the angels will come to defend the elves.

Graaskamn (The Ghostseek)
  • Who celebrates?
  • When is it?
    Every thirteenth full moon.
  • How is it celebrated?
    For the week before the full moon, all orcs eat only unprepared and uncooked foods, and talk as little as possible, a ritual meant to bring the participants closer to their animal brethren. Then, on the night of the full moon, all able-bodied members of the community are painted with sacred dyes and individually sent into the night to search for the spirits of their ancestors. The dye reacts strongly with even slight ethereal energy, glowing as spirits come in contact with the orc. When the orc feels surrounded by his or her ancestors, it returns to the village, leading the ancestor spirits with it. If possible, the orcs hold a feast the next night, leaving half the food and drink for the spirits.

Kya Niskt (The Screaming Night)
  • Who celebrates?
  • When is it?
    The longest night of the year.
  • How is it celebrated?
    In some drow communities, imprisoned criminals are given the chance to be released early by participating in Kya Niskt. At dusk, the incarcerated drow are taken to the surface world, given a powerful rage-inducing drug, and left at the outskirts of a surface city. The drug lasts about eight hours, after which the drow criminals must fend for themselves until dawn, at which point, if they remain alive, they may return to the underdark. Those who survive the night have earned their freedom in their victory against the foes of the drow. To finish the holiday off, a feast is held during which effigies of the fallen criminals are burned.

The Seedspreading
  • Who celebrates?
  • When is it?
    Early fall every ten years or so.
  • How is it celebrated?
    A group of treants will gather the seeds of all the plants in their forest, then meet deep in a forest and chant for about a week. When they are ready, they animate as many trees as they can and march out of the forest with the seeds, spreading them as far as they can. While this is generally a peaceful and wondrous event, the mob of treants and animated trees will occasional become agitated by a humanoid settlement and tramp through it, destroying structures and sometimes killing those who don't get out of the way fast enough.

Szakala (Sun Sacrifice)
  • Who celebrates?
  • When is it?
    Sometime in the middle of summer.
  • How is it celebrated?
    Each year, a small group of lizardfolk scouts are sent out with one fertilized egg from each mated couple in the tribe to the highest spot in the tribe's territory (usually a tall hill or cliff), where they perform a day-long ritual thanking the sun for keeping the tribe warm and healthy and leave the eggs as a sacrifice. Sometimes, during an especially warm summer, one of the eggs manages to hatch, the and the resulting hatchling, though usually weaker than hatchlings from clutches actively tended to by the tribe, are treated as messengers from the sun and thus spiritual leaders.

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