Amongst the flawless marble of the cathedral, the foul steps of the ghasts were like mud on royalty. Creeping forward to main chamber and hissing excitedly, a long figure came into view, praying quietly. Gale, hearing the invaders behind her, finished her prayer and turned, a perfect, featureless carbon wand in her hand. With a flash of her eyes and a perfect twist of her wrist, a beam of perfect gray shot forth and order was upheld.
Slot —; Price 10,000 gp; Weight — lbs.
This cold iron hums rhythmically with magical power, and glows with the light of a candle when held, although the light never wavers. While held, the wand grants a +1 bonus on the caster level of spells cast by the wielder with the law descriptor.
The wielder can also speak a command word while holding the wand to release a beam of perfect law that strikes an area designated by the wielder within 30 feet. This beam, at the wielder's choice, can either be concentrated on a single creature, affecting a single target (no save), over a small area, affecting all creatures in a 10 foot radius spread (Reflex DC 16 halves the damage), or a larger area, dealing a half damage to each creature in a 20 foot radius burst (Reflex DC 16 halves the damage again). Affected creatures take 8 + 1 per HD of the affected creature damage. In addition, each affected creature must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or also be affected by a growing malady that progresses cumulatively each round the creature refuse to take a standard action to stand perfectly still. (Any other effect that renders them motionless or unable to take actions, such as being held or unconscious, satisfies this requirement)
Rounds | Effect |
1 | Shaken |
2 | Sickened |
3 | Deafened |
4 | Blinded |
5 | Staggered |
6 | Paralyzed |
The wand can be activated three times per day. Every time the wand is activated, the wielder takes 4 points of damage.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, order's wrath; Cost 5,000 gp (+400 XP for D&D)