April Fools, Personal Update, and Plea for Help!  

Posted by Michael Donaldson in

It's always fun to see the amusing April Fools pranks the internet conjures every year, but I was in particular amused by This Is My Game's reveal of D&D Next's true face - D&D Live! It was particularly amusing to me because I missed all the April Fools shenanigans around the internet due to actually driving back from a LARPing event. Yeah, I LARP - but don't get too worried, rockers, I won't cheat on you. There's no larping to be done on this blog. For now.

We will be participating in the April "A-Z" challenge - essentially, we will be publishing an article every day with a theme starting with that letter. Today's article, ("April Fools!") is basically the biggest cop-out ever but I'm still busy with some personal stuff so I get one get-out-of-jail free card, ok!? More details below.

Personal Update
You may have noticed I missed my Monday Update - I am sad to report that my home was robbed in the middle of the day yesterday and dealing with that took up all the energy I'd usually devote to this blog. Fear not, I have returned. As a side note, although we did lose some valuables, it could have been far worse. Pick up and move on, right? There's plenty of loot to be had in the next dungeons, as they say.

I would like keep Rocks Fall very active, and sometimes my life gets in the way. While I'm sure there's a chorus of "It's ok, life comes first!" waiting to be reassured at me, the reason I bring it up isn't as an excuse, but as a request - Rocks Fall needs writers! You know you have it in you! As it stands I don't write articles on the weekends and need about two/week to keep at the pace I'd prefer. If you can write one article a week, and want a little publicity, I'd love to give it to you! Please, send me an email with that fancy tool on the right ("contact us!")

This entry was posted on April 3, 2012 at Tuesday, April 03, 2012 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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